We help our clients to work smarter, make money and enjoy a work life balance
Here at Connect2 Chartered Accountants we connect and endeavour to form close business relationships with our clients. We are committed to excellence and our enthusiastic and hardworking team is keen to help you succeed.

Jocelyn Gascoigne
Principal of Connect2 Chartered Accountants - B.B.S. & C.A.Jocelyn qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1983 and holds a certificate of public practice with the Australia - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, having completed her training at Deloitte NZ. Jocelyn has been a principal of Connect2 Chartered Accountants in Tauranga since 2002. Originally from Taranaki she has practiced in the Waikato and has a strong affinity with the rural and small-medium businesses. Her client base covers a wide range of industries in Tauranga, Waikato and both the North and South Islands. Outside the office, Jocelyn enjoys fishing, particularly trout, gardening and avocados (both eating and helping her husband Peter at their orchard).
Tammy Dagger
Commercial & Agri-Business AdvisorTammy has a wealth of knowledge having had a variety of different clients over the years from small home businesses, retailers, radio stations and well-being providers to large agricultural farmers. She enjoys the county lifestyle and all the wondrous and magical things about being surrounded by nature. Tammy enjoys spending time with family and friends and all the simple things in life.

Tania Harvey
Accounting & Client Management – A.T.Tania has extensive experience and knowledge covering a wide range of Industries and businesses. She loves client interaction and forming great working relationships with her clients as well as enjoying the variety and challenges her job brings. Outside of the office Tania enjoys spending time with her family & friends, fine food and the outdoors anywhere that is near water.

Natasha Thompson
Accounting & Client Management – A.T.Tash is our country girl turn city girl after moving from the Awhitu Peninsula to Tauranga several years ago and is a qualified Accounting Technician. Tash enjoys living an active lifestyle in the Bay with husband Bryce and their two daughters. If they're not mountain biking, they're surfing, in the bush hiking or spending time in the Coromandel.

Gordon O'Donoghue
Accounting & Client Management – BAcc.Gordon completed his studies at the University of Auckland in 2022 where he acquired a Bachelor's degree majoring in Accounting. He has also gained a certificate in MYOB essentials and Xero to further add to his Bachelor’s degree. Gordons main hobbies are centered around sports, more specifically, football and cricket of which he takes a key interest in.

Bridget Simpson
Practice & Client Coordinator.Bridget is our administration extraordinaire working part time while completing her final year of Bachelor’s Degree remotely from Victoria University of Wellington. Bridget is a keen sports woman playing in the water polo National League for Hutt Heat and coaching a group of year 7/8 students at Aquinas College. When she is not busy working or studying Bridget enjoys running, getting out on Lake Rotoiti and having a good boogie.